Sunday, December 28, 2014

Let's Catch Up Part IV: Halloween

Halloween is my most favorite FAVORITE holiday. I just love it. Especially at home...where fall is my favorite season.

In years past here in LA...I've had a pumpkin carving party. I wanted to do it this year, but things were a bit up in the air with my new job (I wasn't sure when I'd be starting and training in San Diego) and I live pretty far from most of the people I know (Long Beach-Santa Monica is only about 30 miles, but that can be a long way in after-work traffic). That certainly didn't stop me from having my own little pumpkin carving party for 1. ;)

My pumpkin had a natural nose!! hehe!

I wasn't going to dress up this year. Preston isn't much into Halloween, or really ANY holiday...which is ultra depressing and zero fun. Luckily, my friend Gianna (ANOTHER Gianna) and I got to talking and made a plan to dress up and pass out candy at her house. Gianna already had plans to be Khalessi from Game of Thrones, so I thought it would be funny to be her dragon, Drogon to be specific!

Since I still wasn't working...I threw together my own dragon costume. I bought some awesome scale-y looking yoga pants and a fake leather jacket at Target. I found a shiny child's top at the 99cents store-that I cut apart and sewed onto a black tank top that I already had. I painted my nails black with red tips and did my best on some dragon-y make up with ideas from pinterest. I already had some shoes that worked well. I also bought some fairy wings and spray painted them black.The part of my costume that made me feel most accomplished was the tail. Now, I'm NOT crafty or very creative, so I'm preettty proud of myself for all this ;) I bought a pair of tights and stuffed one leg inside the other. I then stuffed this with black material. Last, I made triangle scales out of tin foil and pinned them with safety pins to the tights. 

I mean, seriously! Am I the best or what?! ;)

I think the whole outfit turned out pretty well and I am quite pleased with myself, to boot :D (In case you can't tell-I made Erica/Preston take a million pics of me). It was a bit of an undertaking to make this costume just to hand out candy, but like I said...I LOVE Halloween, so it was completely worth it! 

Don't mind the 100 surfboards in my living room :P

Gianna's turned into a bit of a party. I made two different kinds of chili to take to her house. Erica came up from Long Beach and we were joined by some of Gianna's friends from work and her yoga class. Preston works with Gianna's husband Gavin (it's how we met!), so there were a bunch of guys there too. What there was not? Trick or Treaters! What the heck? We did arrive a bit late (like 7:30) and there was only ONE group that came to the door. Lame!! Nonetheless, we had a fun time. 

Mother of Dragon

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