Thursday, October 30, 2014

Home again

27 Aug-11 Aug 2014

We returned back to Maryland after Bermuda. We spent more time with friends and Preston had his very first Maryland crabs :D

Maryland style ;)

Preston and I have talked A LOT about where to live. We really left it up in the air before the trip...a kind of 'see what happens' thing. It's always been in my mind to return to the east coast at some point and start a family. We've discussed living in North Carolina, Maryland, Illinois. Still undecided, but I have to say that the longer I'm home...the more I want to BE home. I'm trying to sell Preston on the idea--->but I'm not sure he's buying it :-/

I hung out with some old friends and their BABIES!! I cannot believe they have babies!! :D

We celebrated Jasmine's birthday with an awesome Luau theme.

We watched Mark and Nikki play softball.

My dad took us the following weekend to hang out at his place in Florida. He has an awesome house near St. Pete Beach and is lucky enough to go there a few times a month :) 

We had a great few days hanging by the pool, reading, checking out St. Pete, and eating Von's delicious food.

Back in MD, we celebrated my Mom's b-day with a bike ride along the river. My hometown is very close to the C&O canal that snakes along the Potomac River. A wide path is bordered on one side by the canal and on the other side by the river. Many of the old lock houses are still in place and it's a great place for fishing, swimming, camping, biking, running, horse riding, whatever. 

Mom's birthday ended at a lovely family party sharing my cousin Zak's bday at my Aunt and Uncle's beautiful house. My favorite baby was there too :)

We mostly just sit in a circle and watch her do stuff :P

Hehe-my Uncle getting some camping gear ready for Pres and me :) 


Pres and I have to be up at 3am tomorrow for our flight to IDAHO!! A new state for me :D

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